

To b.shine, b.research and the music of your orchestra with you: That’s what b.jung stands for. Our educational offers are arranged according to target groups and designed especially for them. There are offers for kindergarten children up to high school students and families.

Regular Offers

Instruments close up

Orchestral musicians from the Beethoven Orchestra Bonn present their instruments in an interactive workshop at your school and tell you about the exciting inner life of an orchestra. There is not only a lot to hear and discover, but also to participate in! Together we will clap and sing and uncover many a secret about the musical instruments of a symphony orchestra.

→Primary school classes 1—4


Rehearsal on tour

Chamber ensembles of the Beethoven Orchestra Bonn rehearse their concert programme at your school. The students experience the work on the pieces, the scope for interpretation and the musical interplay.

→Intermediate and senior level (Mittel- und Oberstufe)


Rhapsody in School

Experience our concert soloists in the classroom with your school class. Our cooperation partner Rhapsody in School makes it possible.

→Further information under

→Lower, intermediate and senior level (Unter-, Mittel- und Oberstufe)



Open your ears – here comes the LauschMobil! We come to school auditoriums and kindergartens. The children experience our different mobile productions up close: Sometimes scenic, sometimes with new music, sometimes with classical classics – always a spectacle! With Das kleine Echo, there is a new musical-theatrical adventure for 1st and 2nd graders in cooperation with the Schauspiel of Theater Bonn this season.


→Primary school grades 1—2


Concerts for € 5

Also this season we offer school classes and music courses of the middle and high school to all concerts of the series Im Spiegel tickets for € 5 / pupil (excl. VVK) (limited offer, only through the theater and concert box office).



On the website of Theater Bonn you can subscribe to the family newsletter, teachers‘ newsletter and U 27 newsletter.


Information and registration for our regular offers:

Special Offers - Workshops

Workshops for the Friday Concert
at the Beethovenfest Bonn
August / September 2023

Love, life, death, intoxication, cycle and song. This is what Olivier Messian’s Turangalîla Symphony deals with. In workshops with middle and high school classes, we will find points of contact to Messiaen’s mighty orchestral work and take a look behind the scenes in rehearsals for the concert at the Beethovenfest.

→ Middle and high school
→Info and registration:


Music theater project for families, children and young people

What moves me and what does it actually sound like? What language does my body have and how do I express myself? We would like to develop a piece of musical theater together with you and invent texts and music ourselves! Come along and let your creativity run free. No previous knowledge is necessary, you can join at any time. Dates for the project will be announced in our newsletter and on the homepage.


Kick-off workshop: 29.9.24, from 12.15 p. m. in the foyer of the opera house
following the family concert 1 „Dein Beethoven!“


→For children aged eight and over
→Registration at:


Januar 2025—Mai 2025

This season, we are venturing into uncharted territory with the b+ school project: our creative work with pupils is not focused on a great symphony, but on Beethoven overtures to stage works such as Fidelio. How do we find ourselves in music that tells great stories of liberation and rescue? And how can we bring our engagement with the material to the stage? Whether through dance, poetry, film or music – artists, musicians and coaches support the pupils in their creative work right up to the big concert with the Beethoven Orchestra Bonn. We are looking for classes in grades 8-12!


→ Middle and upper school
→Information and registration until 01.11.2024:


Workshops BaseCamp New Music
May 2025

Composition can be so many things: a humming along, a sequence of notes that form a melody, the chirping of a bird or the chirping of crickets, or even the clash of sounds, whether by chance or on purpose. Our composition project for young people as part of BaseCamp New Music opens up all these possibilities and approaches to composing. We experiment with experienced coaches and write music that we perform ourselves. Further information will be available from January 2025 on our website


→Youths between 12 and 16 years old.
→Information and registration until 03.01.2025:


Digital Offers

Wum and Bum

The audio clips and worksheets for a playful and musical lesson on Wum and Bum and the Ladies Ding Dong can be found here.

→Grade 1+2


Teaching videos
Orchestral Instruments & Beethoven 5

In →14 short videos, your pupils will experience all the instruments of a symphony orchestra. Musicians of the Beethoven Orchestra tell all about their instruments, their work and make music – and refer to Beethoven’s symphonic works.

Teaching material recommended for grades 3—6, videos and material at:
→Grade 3—6



Orchestral musicians in digital form

You have watched all the videos with your pupils and would like to get in touch with our musicians more intensively? Meet an orchestra musician with your class digitally via Zoom for 40 minutes.

→From grade 3


Director b.jung

Luzie Teufel-Aras

T 0228 77 6620