We are happy to offer you subscriptions during the coming 2024/2025 season. If you were a fixed-price subscriber of the Beethoven Orchestra Bonn during and have not cancelled your subscription, your subscription has been prolonged automatically for the 2024/2025 season. This applies to the Freitagskonzerte, Im Spiegel, Familienkonzerte, Kinderkonzerteund Montagskonzerte. You will get your usual seat and subscription in the 2024/2025 season.
You can take advantage of your status as a fixed-price subscriber and get a 25% discount on the concerts of your subscription and 10% off for each additional ticket outside of your subscription.
For more information please contact our Theater- und Konzertkasse, phone 0228 – 77 80 08 oder 77 80 22 / e-mail: theaterkasse@bonn.de.
Your exchange vouchers (for subscriptions) and value vouchers for cancelled concerts will of course remain valid and can be used when buying individual tickets.
Your subscription will continue to be valid for the following season if you do not cancel it in writing within four weeks after publishing the new saison.